Habitat training workshop, lead by Bruce Middleton![]() Saturday, July 20, starting at 10am, meet at the Little Lynchmere Common noticeboard (map below)
googlemaps or w3w/farmland.confident.offline Volunteers will be asked to adopt one of our 12 heathland compartments, or one of the six fields. Bruce will then show you how to recognise, remember and record flora and fauna. Using illustrations of key plants, together with abstract shapes similar to the plant. Bruce will also detail the relevant folklores surrounding their use and mysteries. Identifying butterflies and birds will also be included in the survey. After lunch, Bruce will lead the group around Lynchmere Common and Roundabouts Field so you can put into practice what your learnt in the morning.
The day will end at about 4pm. If you cannot attend the whole day, that is fine. Ideally you'd be there for the 10am start so you know what to do, and stay as long as you wish. If you are unable to attend because of your dog(s), they are welcome too, but ideally only if necessary. Too many dogs might become distracting! Checklist to bring on the day: a picnic & drinks a waterproof your camera a Wild flowers book (if you have one) a few coloured pens something to lean on a copy of both documents below ![]()
So far 12 people have volunteered to help with the surveys. Please bring along other friends and family – all are welcome. The more the merrier!
If you cannot make this event, and wish to join other volunteering events, please register your interest in the Volunteering form. |
Habitat Survey 24/25Bruce, Sue and several volunteers have commenced a one year survey, starting this August 2024. If you are interested it's, not too late to get involved.
Register as a volunteerYou can volunteer with us by getting stuck into practical conservation work or by doing surveys and other less strenuous tasks. Everyone is welcome, you do not need to be a member to volunteer. Register here and we can inform you of coming events and opportunities.
Newsletter links:
Habitat Workshop | Camelsdale Cubs Bug Hotel | Summer BBQ at Shulbrede Priory | Bracken Challenge | Mare Barn Wall Repairs | Orchard Preparations | Super Grazers | Volunteer Recruitment | Arts and Nature | Lynchmere Social History Follow us on Facebook
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